So This is Family!

Well, here we are at the long awaited reunion. This was the fifth one, the other four being held while our parents were still in attendance! Now that generation has all passed on and after a nineteen year hiatus it is TIME! How fortunate that about forty of the cousins were able to gather and compare notes, aka ‘brag’ about our grandchildren. It’s all good. It’s what we do best!
Okay, so we look a little older, have added a few more pounds, walk a little slower and start a story but forget the punchline; we are all from the same tree and share the same roots, so we get it!
Being family doesn’t mean we’re the same and have the same ideas and opinions all the time. It DOES mean that we accept each other in our differences, and love and care for each other in spite of our differences. When one hurts, we all hurt. When one succeeds we all celebrate! When one is missing we feel fragmented.
Come to think of it, family was God’s idea in the first place. In scripture He calls Himself our Father, and He calls us his children. In 1John 3:18, in referring to followers of Christ, the writer says ‘Little children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ I like that! It reminds me that words are not enough. Genuine love needs to be relayed with actions. And then it calls me to love and to begin with those closest to me. My family. I never chose them, but I choose to love them and accept them just where they are. And hopefully they will love and accept me as I am. As God loves and accepts all of us!
I look forward to another reunion, when we will never have to part again! In the meantime I continue on the way to the party...


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