On the way to the Party

In the Old Testament of the Bible there is a lot of admonishment directed to parents and grandparents to teach the younger generation, reminding them of God’s goodness and faithfulness over the years. Why? To keep them mindful of all God’s acts on their behalf.
Monuments were built and feasts were established; I’m talking about FEASTS! Many of them lasted for at least a week. These people knew how to P-A-R-T-Y!
My late husband was a big believer in celebrating. We celebrated and told our children many stories of our early days as a family. We pointed out how God led us together and on from there, how God provided for us in many different situations. We shared all the blessings He showered on us, things that are so easy to take for granted. Our kids were able to share in many of those blessings as well.
Larry, my first husband, has now arrived at the ultimate celebration; he’s at the party!
Now, when I refer to being in the presence of Jesus as a party I do not do so flippantly. Think about this; when are you happiest? When is joy most evident? When do you feel the best, on top of the world? I venture to say it would be when you are surrounded by family or friends and others who are also experiencing the most amazing time of their lives. Sounds like a party to me!
We’re all on a path to somewhere. I would much rather be on my way to a party than headed toward an accident scene.  Every day things happen in our lives that we can allow to go over our heads, without giving them a thought. OR we can learn a lesson, or be encouraged or challenged by it. Maybe we can simply enjoy reflecting on what happened today.
When things happen as I walk through my day, I try to keep my mind and heart open for God to speak to me. And you know what? He does! Insignificant things really, but with significant impact when tuned in to my Lord! I’d love to share some of these fun, crazy little things that leave me enjoying life to the full. I’m loving the journey, and would really love to have you join me on the way to the party!


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