Till Later

So my whole day was spent running an obstacle course in my own home; trying not to trip over sleeping bags, suitcases and back packs that looked a lot like I feel after a big Thanksgiving dinner, overstuffed to say the least! As I, oh so carefully made my way around the living room as if walking through a mine field, I desperately tried to keep my mind off of what must transpire before the day was done.
They arrived last Thursday night, with plans! Our trip to the zoo on Friday had me watching them watch the animals and loving every minute of it! I would never have imagined myself walking into some of the stores I ended up in, but oh what fun! And because I had another commitment on Saturday they went to a movie on their own. This was new territory for me, I’ve never had a visit from three teenage grandchildren before without their parents, but again I loved every minute of our time together!
Now I sit here on the verge of tears, so please indulge an old lady for a few minutes. I delivered them to the camp bus on Sunday and four days later after too much silence, picked them up again. More running about for another day and it was time for the dreaded trip to the airport.
Now it seems the house echoes in the silence and I think I hear the sounds of  ‘Animal Planet’, when upon checking it’s only the news. I can walk through the living room now and I know the way will be clear. I open the refrigerator and know that the same jug of milk will still be there next week. In the same vein when I open the pantry door I know the Doritos are all gone and will need replenishing!
There is just something special about grandkids and when I look at them I see how they are replicas of their parents who are replicas of their parents and so on. And suddenly it hits me....
As long as life continues on this planet I will be; there in my own children and in their children and continuing in the generations to come. I am challenged to make my life and influence count. These kids are everything to me. I love them with all my heart and am so thankful for all eighteen of my grandchildren. Each one enriches my life in a way I could never have imagined!
So tonight, after saying goodbye to three of them after having close contact for a week, I was in tears as I left the airport and drove towards home. I know I will see them again. I do have the hope and the confidence that I will see them, if not here on earth, then in our eternal home. And the truth is some days I can’t wait to get there.
As one of my grandsons said to his mom at the age of three when his home was under renovation, ‘I don’t want to be heah, I’m going to Gwamma’s house.’ And he came! Luckily they lived only a few doors away!
Now, when sadness and loneliness begins to weigh me down, I want to say, ‘I don’t want to be heah, I’m going to God’s house.’ God in His wisdom gives the grace to push through and walk the minefields of life with me and at the right time, His time, I will go to His house and I will see all those I have lost and will lose in this world. In the meantime I walk on, move ahead and continue to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ to many that I love.
After all, it’s not really ‘goodbye’ but just ‘till later’ and in the meantime I continue on my way to the party!


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