Have you ever noticed how little things can bring big smiles? It doesn’t take a large production to bring a look of sheer delight to someone’s face.
Years ago I was operating a private child daycare in my home. As a way of celebrating a week gone by and the weekend to come I kept a drawer of tiny toys and goofy gadgets. Every Friday just before home time each child got to choose one item to take home. This could be anywhere from a pencil to a  small bouncy ball, to cutesy little hair doo-dads. Such little things of no real significance and yet how they looked forward to ‘prize day’! In fact there always seemed to be that child that couldn’t make a decision so when the choice was finally made she would mention from time to time in the week following which item she would be picking next time. And of course there was usually another child that took delight in snatching it up if his turn came first!
Some years ago when I was going through a difficult personal struggle I found my therapy in gardening. Nothing like getting my hands in the dirt to feel life’s stresses ooze away and peace prevail. One such time as I was on my knees I noticed a few clumps of what looked like miniscule little pansies peeking up at me shyly from the carpet of green grass. In surprise I scanned the area to see where they had possibly escaped from. I had no such flowers in my flower beds so I accepted that Creator God had simply put them there because I needed a little special love that day. I found out later that they are called ‘Johnny-jump-ups, and that is what they do. They pop up anywhere in the most unexpected places; a gift from my God just when I need it!
 A few days ago my daughter surprised us with a visit from anther province. Both of us being nature buffs, we wanted to take a drive through Kananaskis Country. On the way I prayed, asking God to bring out at least one bear! I specifically asked to see a grizzly bear. In the almost thirteen years I have lived in this part of the country I have seen only one black bear in the wild and never a grizzly.
We continued on the drive, filling our eyes and other senses with the beauty all around. As my girl said, ‘enjoying the eye candy’! Suddenly we came upon the breath-taking scene of a huge grizzly bear, sitting flat on his fanny munching on the leaves of a small bush, just across the ditch from the highway. So close I could see his skin ripple as he walked to another shrub and plopped down on his behind again, continuing his meal!
I thanked God for answered prayer and was reminded of how He loves to surprise us with little ‘love gifts’ in the course of our days. I have learned not to despise the little things as they are goodies sent from the loving heart of my Father, just to bring joy and sunshine into my life.
Psalms 127:3-5 talks about how children are a gift from God and in other scriptures we read that good health is a gift or blessing from Him. Throughout the Bible there are many examples of the goodness and blessings of God that He gives to us freely.
I don’t know about you but I am thinking I want to keep my eyes wide open and my heart alert to notice all the ‘little’ sunbeams poured into my life as I journey on my way to the party!


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